Megane Mache – Seven Advanced Academy First Class IT Institute Mon, 19 Dec 2022 11:51:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Megane Mache – Seven Advanced Academy 32 32 6 Careers in Cameroon We Would Never Have Talked About if Not for the Internet Thu, 28 Oct 2021 11:06:00 +0000 Once upon a particularly unfair time before the 90s, Amazon for many of us was just a river. Today, it is the biggest online store.

Thank Tim Burners-Lee and others for the World Wide Web. 

In those miserable days, to connect with friends, shop, study, or watch a movie, we needed to leave the house and in some cases travel.

But not anymore. Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, JUMIA, Yabadoo are here.

What’s worse? If not for the internet, careers in Cameroon like mine will never have existed. 

If not for these 11 smart guys, the level of unemployment in Cameroon to me would have been worse than the projected 3.90 percent in 2020.

Some 6 Careers in Cameroon that Exist Today Thanks to Internet

Digital Marketers

Top on my list is digital marketers. Not because it is the most important career path but because it concerns me. 

The number of careers in Cameroon you can now follow thanks to digital marketing are growing by the day.

Very common in this field among big companies is the job of Community Manager.

Common titles most talked about by enthusiasts in the field are SEO Specialists.

Others less known but important are content marketers, copywriters, lead generation specialists. The list goes on. 

The bottom line. The majority of freelance marketing consulting services offered in the past few years has been thanks to the internet.

To get more insights about digital marketing in Cameroon, read also:

My 5-year digital marketing predictions for Cameroon (2022-2026).

7 skills you must have in 2022 to land a digital marketing job in Cameroon.

Learn more about our digital marketing program.

Web Developers

These are the guys who work at the frontend and backend of what you see when you’re browsing the internet.

Some people refer to them as web designers. But they are more advanced than web designers. 

Anyway, before the internet both had no place. Talking about careers in Cameroon in the internet age, web development stays on top.

See 7 unbiased reasons for studying full-stack web development at Seven Advanced Academy.

Are you from a non-computer sciences background but wishes to study web development, learn in this post.

See more about our Full-stack Web Development Program.

App Developers

The total number of active mobile internet users in Cameroon is estimated at 5.79 million (2019).

And because these mobile users reach the internet through apps, Google Play Store is a term Cameroonians have become very familiar with. 

Consequently, mobile application development has become more of a stable career in Cameroon thanks to the internet.

If you’re planning on developing a mobile app in Cameroon, verify if it falls within these 7 categories.

See also 6 things Akah Harvey wishes you know before starting out as an App Developer in Cameroon.

Learn more about our Android App Development Program.

Cloud and Software Engineers

Businesses always want to reduce costs. Because they have to stay competitive.

Thanks to the internet and cloud computing, small businesses can now spend less on infrastructure, storage, and software.

To enjoy these benefits, however, they need the expertise of software engineers, software architects, cloud engineers, data engineers. The list goes on.

None of these career paths in Cameroon would have been possible except with the coming of the internet.

Ask more information about our Cloud Computing Training on WhatsApp.

Cyber security

With the internet came exposure. With exposure comes threats. Of recent, almost 2 million Facebook accounts were hacked in Cameroon. Use these two tools to verify if you were Facebooked.

Today, we talk of security analysts, architects, engineers in Cameroon. Without the dark side of the internet, we’ll not be talking about internet security. 

See the 9 questions you must ask before deciding to study cyber security in any school in Cameroon.

Register and attend any of our free First Look classes organized in partnership with EC-Council specialists.

Learn more about our Cyber Security Training.

Bloggers | Influencers

Mass media is for the big and mighty. Today, the internet has democratized media.

Anyone can run a blog from home and compete with established media houses.

You can even run a TV channel on YouTube and reach thousands of Cameroonians just like your local TV station.

What about on-demand online radios called podcasts. In the near future, we’ll start hearing about our own podcasters.

All these careers in Cameroon would not have existed without the internet. 

You may also like to know more about the 5 hottest industries for digital startup ideas in Cameroon.

How Seven Advanced Academy Promotes Internet Careers in Cameroon

Our CEO, Mrs. Estelle Yomba is Senior Technical Program Manager at Google (Cloud Compute Engine). 

She understands where our economy is going and what we as Cameroonians need to do collectively and individually to contribute.

That’s why she created Seven Advanced Academy and equipped it with professional instructors and standard labs to guarantee quality education that will help you compete at an international level after your studies.

Chat on WhatsApp to get more information about our training programs.

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Linking Cameroon Tech Community to the Silicon Valley and Beyond: Seven Dev Community is Born Mon, 02 Nov 2020 13:18:00 +0000 The Cameroon tech community has been striving over the years for international breakthrough. Our cherished Silicon Mountain has done much to put Cameroon on the map.

The government is trying its best to create a conducive environment for tech initiatives. Has the private sector and Cameroon diaspora done their best already to position Cameroon as the giant of CEMAC in terms of digital technology?

It is within this backdrop of critical rhetoric that the Founder of Seven Advanced Academy Estelle Yomba in one of her working visits to Cameroon together with her colleague from Google Dr. Philippe Gervais endorsed the idea of a developer community in Cameroon.

The mission of the dev community is to provide a platform that will inspire and guide young and established developers in Cameroon to build tech solutions of national and international standards and impact their society. 

In simple terms, the Seven Dev Community is here to connect Cameroonian developers to active tech communities around the world for international mentorship and sponsorship as far as digital technology is concerned. 

The dev community is an initiative of the students of Seven Academy in Douala. Yuwen Eric is the student organizer of the community and this is what he has to say :

“We the students of Seven Academy are privileged to learn software development under a world-class structure and leadership, our mindsets have been transformed and we are proud to be getting the best practical technical training in Cameroon. It is with gratitude therefore that we have organized ourselves to form a community of tech volunteers”. 

“One of the problems we face in Buea Silicon mountain apart from funding and government policy is that we lack mentors at the international level with real-time experience ready to volunteer their time and guide us to develop solutions that can breakthrough globally”.

Says George Enow, founder of Enow Technologies Inc and co-founder of Mungenow properties.

“Seven dev community will actually be the first developers community to be backed by a local institution. So I can say it is the first made in Cameroon Dev and if it can fill the gap then we will all be happy.”

He added. 

Activities of the community

According to the organizing community of the Dev community, membership is opened to all developers in Cameroon and Africa. Instituted activities of the community shall include 

  1. Hackathons
  2. Senior developers open day
  3. Seven all night of code
  4. Seven Dev challenge
  5. Tech enthusiast outreach
  6. Community development volunteerism and many other activities

Privileges members of the community will be opened to include:

  1. Access to senior engineers at Google, eBay, 10000 codeurs (France), etc. who offer to review the code of members’ projects and give tech orientations. 
  2. Access to funding to innovative tech ideas from the network of Seven Group partners.
  3. Access to fully-funded scholarships at Seven Advanced Academy for young developers wanting to obtain hands-on software development skills.
  4. Access to Seven incubation startup for Africa program and many other classified openings. 

To know more about the Seven Dev Community visit their website:

For administrative inquiries contact : +237 658066982 / Chat on WhatsApp.

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9 Questions You Should Ask Before Taking Cyber Security Training in Cameroon Wed, 28 Oct 2020 12:44:00 +0000 9 FAQ About Our Cyber Security Certifications in Cameroon

1. Which IT Security certifications can I take today at Seven Academy?

We train and certify a total of 40 certifications through our partnership with EC-Council

Why a lot of demand for the Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH) training?

Based on research, CEH which is a prerequisite into CHFI and ECIH was the most popular vendor neutral cyber security certification among employers in 2019.

2. Which organization backs Seven Advanced Academy’s Cyber Security training in Cameroon?

Our certifications are backed by EC-Council. Both as a training and a testing center. 

We partnered with EC-Council because individuals who have achieved EC-Council certifications work with organizations like the US Army, the FBI, Microsoft, IBM, and the United Nations.

Their certifications have received endorsements from various government agencies including the US Federal Government via the Montgomery GI Bill, National Security Agency (NSA) and the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS).

Moreover, the United States Department of Defense has included the CEH program into its Directive 8570 making it one of the mandatory standards to be achieved by Computer Network Defenders Service Providers (CND-SP).

3. What are the Cyber Security entry requirements?

There is no predefined eligibility criteria for those interested in this training. However, computer networking knowledge (N+) is preferred. For this reason, the admission committee will review applications on an individual basis.

Clause: Age Requirements and Policies Concerning Minors.

The age requirement for attempting the CEH exam is restricted to any candidate who is not at least 18 years old on the date of examination.

4. Should I take an online and in-person Cyber Security training at Seven Advanced Academy? 

While online training will be perfect for those who can’t attend classes on campus, in-person training is preferred by many.

Studying with classmates under the guidance of a certified EC-Council tutor will push you to work harder.

Moreover, sharing from your instructors experiences in Cyber Security in Cameroon and out of Cameroon is a plus.

5. Who is the Lead Cyber Security Instructor at Seven Advanced Academy?

Miss Fru Mangui is the Lead Cyber Security instructor at Seven Advanced Academy. She is an EC-Council Certified instructor.

She works closely with Mr. Landry Wambo who is a cyber security expert for our sister company Seven GPS.

Talk to the instructor on WhatsApp.

6. What makes this cyber security training different from others in the market?


Our EC-Council CEH curriculum for instance focuses on hacking techniques and technologies from an offensive perspective.

This advanced security hacking training is regularly updated. So, you can be sure it reflects the latest developments in the domain, including new hacking techniques, exploits, automated programs as well as defensive recommendations as outlined by experts in the field.

7. What jobs can a Certified Ethical Hacker get in Cameroon or overseas?

After your training, you can work as: 

  • Information Security Analyst.
  • Security Analyst.
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
  • Ethical Hacker.
  • Security Consultant, (Computing / Networking / Information Technology)
  • Information Security Manager.
  • Penetration Tester.

8. What hacking techniques and technologies can you expect to master with CEH?

Hacking techniques represent ways and means by which computer programs can be made to behave in ways they are not meant to.

As you begin your training, you’ll come to understand that these techniques extend beyond the technology domain and can be applied to test security policies and procedures.

Hacking technologies on the other hand are used to refer to those tools and automated programs that can be used by perpetrators against an organization to incur critical damage.

Even though Python is celebrated, you’ll learn how to use a variety of languages to hack.

Also, Linux is our default training operating system.

9. Does Seven Advanced Academy have the right infrastructure in Cameroon for a Cyber Security Training?

One reason the EC-Council partnered with us to offer IT Security certifications is because of the infrastructure in place.

Visit our labs in person at Bali, opposite Hotel Serena, and discuss with your to-be instructor.

Visit the Training page.

Contact us on WhatsApp.

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5 Hottest Industries For Digital Start-ups in Cameroon Wed, 28 Oct 2020 11:45:00 +0000 Google it!

DVD, game and video rental industry is the fastest dying industry in the world.

If you are thinking of making a career or creating a business in that industry, let’s hope you’re thinking like the founders of MTN’s app Yabadoo.

Number two on the list of fastest dying industries in the world is Library and Archive.

These days, whatever people want to read, they ask Google on their smartphone. The only problem. There is really no local content on the internet except for entertainment and celebrity news websites. That’s why you need skills in content marketing.

What about those Yellow Pages? I’m talking about those printed directories which were published every year, listing companies and their addresses. They have been replaced by their online cousins like Google My Business.

To complete this dying list, Business Insider includes photo studios, newspaper publishing, telephone apparatus manufacturing, sound and recording studios, book stores, stationery product manufacturing; textile and fabric finishing.

However, in this post, we want to talk about the hottest industries for today’s Cameroonian entrepreneurs who want to disrupt.

5 Most Seductive Industries For Cameroon Digital Startups 

1. E-commerce – a growing market with niche opportunities for Cameroonian aspiring entrepreneurs

Believe or not. Cameroonians are getting accustomed to buying stuff online even though e-commerce giant JUMIA has not been able to turn in profit.

Thanks to e-commerce giants like Amazon and COVID-19, consumers have got used to the convenience of online shopping. All it takes is a click or a tap, and you can get anything delivered.

As mobile money and mobile wallets continue to grow, coupled with the fact that Cameroonians have begun to trust online retailers, it’s becoming harder and harder to find someone who has never considered buying something online. 

This is good news for Cameroonian entrepreneurs harboring product ideas.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, It’s true the global e-commerce market is super competitive. That’s the more reason you should never try to outrun the big guys.

Find a niche to specialize in! If you nail the product-market fit, you’ll be on the right track to building an e-commerce empire.

2. FinTech – a tech trend that’s come to stay in Cameroon 

Throughout the world, FinTech (or Financial Technology) has been a hot startup industry for years. In Cameroon, FinTech was born out of frustration. 

According to the 2017 FinScope survey, just 10% of Cameroonians had a bank account while 36% are financially excluded.

On the other hand, 48% of Cameroonians use other non-bank formal products and services like Mobile Money.

Factors like this have lead to the growth of different kinds of Fintech companies:


Fintech companies in the lending industry simplify the way by which people borrow money. In the past, people turned to banks or credit unions to obtain loans. Today, fintech companies can offer this service online. 


There are various Payment Aggregators in Cameroon. A good example is PayUnit. With PayUnit, you can accept MTN Mobile Money, Orange Mobile Money, Express Exchange Mobile Money, YUP, Master/VISA, PayPal on your website or app. All this thanks to a simple merchant account that takes less than 5 minutes to set up.

International Money Transfers

In Cameroon, you’ll agree with me. The diaspora has a huge role in our economy. Just about every family has a brother or sister abroad. Sending money back home is something we can’t live without. 

Personal Finance

Traditionally, people need to talk to financial advisors in banks to get personal finance advice. 

Today, many commercially available apps can offer advice and help with budgeting.

Equity Financing

Fintech companies in this sector make it easy for business owners to raise money. Some of them connect accredited investors with vetted startups. Others use crowdfunding models and allow anyone to invest in new businesses. In sum, they simplify the business fundraising process.


Fintech companies are also venturing into the insurance market, but they mostly focus on distribution. They use apps to reach customers that don’t have insurance coverage. As such, they let people who want to borrow a friend’s car to buy insurance for just a few hours. But since insurance is a highly regulated sector, organizations in this category typically partner with traditional insurance companies.

3. Cyber security – an essential element for Cameroon’s digital economy

It’s true that the “Next Billion Users” don’t really care about their privacy as people in the developed world, cyber security remains a big issue.

The more time we spend online, the more we’re exposing ourselves to data breaches and violations of our digital privacy.

For companies, this threat is ever growing.

Here are a few starts that makes you want to think as an entrepreneur:

  • There is a hacker attack every 39 seconds.
  • 300,000 new malware is created every day.
  • 15% of breaches involve Healthcare organizations, 10% in the Financial industry and 16% in the Public Sector.
  • According to Dataprotect, Sub-Saharan African Banks are particularly vulnerable to cyber attacks.
  • The average cost of data breaches was estimated at $150 million in 2020.
  • The banking industry incurred the most cybercrime costs in 2018 at $18.3 million.
  • By the end of 2020, security services are expected to account for 50% of cybersecurity budgets.
  • 50% of large enterprises (with over 10,000 employees) are spending $1 million or more annually on security, with 43% spending $250,000.
  • Multi-factor authentication and encryption are the biggest hacker obstacles. And this is just the tip of what’s going on in this industry.

This state of affairs creates endless opportunities for entrepreneurs willing to bet on cybersecurity and data protection as a business.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, sure, starting a cybersecurity company is not easy. You probably can’t do it 100% online, from home. But you can start by offering consultancy services to local companies, for example, running tests, updating their systems, and just educating them about cybersecurity best practices. Then, as you grow your team, you’ll be able to cover even more ground. 

4. FoodTech – From supply chain management, food safety, delivery processes, order management and even the cooking itself, there are plenty of areas to be disrupted in Cameroon.

I’m assuming you read the news.

Tech team comprising a telecoms engineer, certified machine learning engineer, software developer, crop pathologist and two agronomists launched Agrix Tech, a Yaoundé-based startup which has been rolling out it’s platform across Africa since Jan. 2020.

Their technology helps detect plant diseases and offers both chemical and physical treatment as well as prevention measures.

Their service is timely as African farmers lose an estimated 49% of expected total crop yield per annum – the highest in the world – according to the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International.

But, that’s not where FoodTech ends.

From supply chain management, food safety, delivery processes, order management and even the cooking itself, there are plenty of areas to be disrupted.

For aspiring Cameroonian entrepreneurs, this is another opportunity to grasp. 

5. EdTech – a solution to worldwide problems 

If education is something that you’re particularly passionate about, EdTech – or Educational Technology – may just be the startup industry for you.

It’s a lucrative industry, with global investments reaching a staggering 16.3 billion USD in 2018. 

Just think how many students and teachers you could help by coming up with a disruptive idea and carrying it through. We need so many new solutions for integrating learning with our digital lives, automating processes, making learning more accessible via online courses and training, and so on. 

Startups around the world have started coming up with fascinating projects, such as virtual reality learning experiences, AI-based learning assessment and learning analytics using big data.

If you need some inspiration, check out this post on the top edtech startups in Europe

Let’s help you get prepared for the future. Get information about our training programs:

  1. Cyber Security
  2. Full-stack Web Application development
  3. Mobile Application development
  4. Business intelligence
  5. Digital marketing
  6. Project Management
  7. Cloud Computing
  8. Data science and machine learning
  9. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

Chat on WhatsApp Now.

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Want to Build a Mobile App in Cameroon? Verify If It Falls Under These 7 Categories Wed, 28 Oct 2020 11:29:00 +0000 Once upon a particularly boring time, there was no Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Consequently, There was no reason for you to build a mobile app in Cameroon. 

But not until 2010, when the word “App” became the word of the year. Since then, mobile apps have taken over our lives.

We use them to chat, find jobs, send money, pay bills, monitor our health, study, you name the rest. 

Some companies can’t do without mobile apps because of the benefits.

One question for entrepreneurs and developers in Cameroon is:

Out of the 33 categories of apps in Google Play Store, what category of apps are people downloading most in 2020?

Want to Create a Mobile App in Cameroon? See the 14 Categories of Apps that have Reached 3 percent of Users in Google Play Store


TechCrunch has the numbers.

By the end of 2019, the global gaming market was estimated to be worth $152 billion, with 45% of that ($68.5 billion) coming directly from mobile games.

Pro Tip: When developing your mobile game app in Cameroon, create games that are challenging but not too hard for a player to give up. Do this right and you’ll get people spending 8 – 10 minutes in your app per session. This will go a long way to help generate revenue. 

Examples of Gaming Apps:

Clash of Clans (Android), Candy Crush Saga (Android), Angry Birds Go (Android), Temple Run (Android), Solitaire (Android), Trivial Crack (Android).


Self-education is the trend now. You can learn Bassa really fast.

Check out Stephanie-Rose Nyot’s “Je parle le Bassa 2.0.”

Think about it. How many languages are spoken in Cameroon? What if you could create an app to teach your native tongue. 

Pro Tip: Target the diaspora with such an app. You’ll be able to monetize fast.


When you go through Cameroonian built apps on Google Play, the business category is full. Developers understand that people want to automate, edit, access data, do financial transactions all in their smartphones. 

Pro Tip: Smartphone users value independence, control, and organization. Build something within these lines. 


Have you ever thought of how diverse a country we are? Our culture is very rich. From food to dressing. There is just so much to share.

Pro Tip: Music culture is booming right now. Dating too. Think of other opportunities in this category like travel, fitness, accommodation.  


Who wants to be bored?

In this entertainment category in Cameroon, MTN’s Yabadoo is popular. 

These kinds of apps invoke a kind of dependency, they keep us engaged, logged in, always checking for updates.

Pro Tip: Concentrate on the bright side. Combine your imagination and talent. Bring lots of fresh and fun things in our lives, so we will never be bored again.  

Great examples are: Netflix (Android), Dubsmash (Android), Talking Tom Cat (Android), Amazon Prime Video (Android), NBC – Watch Now and Stream Full TV Episodes (Android)


Utility apps are great. We use them to accomplish specific tasks. 

Think of scanners, trackers, first aid manuals, flashlights to name a few. The downside to apps in this category is the fact that people use these category of apps to just get things done and move on. They’ll not spend time in it.

Imagine you want to travel. For convenience, you use WakaTicket to book a bus. When you’re done, what will you be doing in this app again?

Pro Tip + Disclaimer 🙂 A utility app Cameroonians will surely spend time in will be an app like Bitmoji – Your Personal Emoji (Android)

Health and Fitness

I don’t know about fitness in Cameroon.

But I know about GiftedMom.

If you’re a mother-to-be, through GiftedMom, you can get advice based on your pregnancy stage. If you have a new-born baby, you can read about special care. You can also reach out to their medical team on duty via chat and get reminders about your doctor’s appointment.

You’d be surprised how many women forget their doctor’s appointments.

Want to Build an App in Cameroon? Now You Know: The 7 Most Popular Categories in Google Play Store.

You know! Building an app in Cameroon requires your ability to solve problems. However, there are many Cameroon built apps which are not profitable for their creators. This is not good for any profitable venture. While building an app may seem appealing, think also of the business side of things.

What useful Cameroon apps do you know? Share them with us.

Looking for a first-class institute to study Android App Development?

WhatsApp Now for details about this program.

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7 Skills You Must Have in 2022 to Land a Digital Marketing Job in Cameroon [From My Experience] Wed, 28 Oct 2020 11:24:00 +0000 Do you want a digital marketing job in Cameroon? I can help you with that.

In fact, if digital marketing is the career path you want to follow but you lack someone to guide you in the right direction, this article is for you.

My name is Emile Weyi. Digital Marketing Instructor here at Seven Advanced Academy.

See my 5-year digital marketing predictions for 2021 – 2026.

Let’s get started.

The Seven Skills You Need to Overperform in any Digital Marketing Job in Cameroon

Strategy and Planning Skills

A marketing strategy helps you create products and services with the best chances for making a profit. This is because marketing strategy starts with marketplace research, taking into consideration your optimal target customer, what your competition is doing and what trends might be on the horizon.

If you can’t strategize and plan, you’ll certainly work as an assistant while strategy and planning is done by your manager.

That’s why I’m an inbound marketing enthusiast.

Both the old inbound methodology and the new flywheel clearly define the different steps in digital marketing.

If you approach digital marketing this way, you’ll understand digital marketing as a process in which there is where to start and where to finish – with each stage requiring precise tools to get the job done.

I like to complement this methodology with theories like: online business models, buyer personas, customer journey, content mapping and more.

These concepts will help you understand better the inbound methodology.

I’m also a big fan of marketing documentation. As I tell my students, there is always a template for a strategy you want to implement. Don’t try to reinvent in your early days. With experience you’ll be able to create. But for now, Google should be your friend.

Content Marketing Skills

Articles, videos, podcasts, infographics, ebooks are part of the long lists of content you should be able to create.

The good news is that all of them follow the same principles. For instance. Whether I’m writing a blog post, video script or email, I follow this same technique: “AIDA.”

A = Attention

I = Interest

D = Desire

A = Action.

I love content marketing because of how different it is to traditional marketing.

While traditional marketing sells a product, content marketing sells the idea of your product. Pretty much Steve Job’s kind of marketing right?

Here is my advice for you:

Start reading everything. When you read an article, listen to a podcast or watch a YouTube video, learn from the author’s style to find your own voice.

Then practice, and practice more.

Write and submit to a blog you follow. Get feedback. Join a group (Facebook, LinkedIn) of people who share your passion. Start building your portfolio today.

Conversion Optimization Skills

Digital marketing, inbound marketing, online marketing.

Whatever you choose to call it. You must know how it works – “the process” which we talked about a moment ago.

The most important skills you need is to convert. In other words, getting the prospective contacts (name, email, phone etc.) for sales.

This is so important because you’ll be judged based on conversion rates. In fact, there is a standard for every industry.

That’s the reason why you need to understand landing pages and the tools you need to optimize them.

So, “doing” well on social media without a list of prospective customers to show in an evaluation meeting will not help. Because, there is nothing to forward to the sales department.


Search Engine Optimization or SEO is now a buzz word. Everybody is into it. You should get into it too.

You’ll hear experts talk about Keywords and Long Tail Keywords. You should learn them as well. They are very important because the customer of this age askes everything in Google.

Mastering SEO will enable you to put your business on the first page of Google.

But here is how I want you to look at SEO. Attack SEO from three angles: the side of the robot; the side of the reader; and the side of your customer.

When you create content for Google’s robots, know how much to feed them. A balanced diet is your best bet. Meta tags, Headlines, Voice Search, Featured Snippet, Positive Footprint, Keyword density etc. etc. are what should make up the recipe. 

On the other hand, If you concentrate too much on the robots, you’ll give the reader a bad experience. To balance things up, you need storytelling.

At the extreme end, your boss or client as the case may be will want you to put features over benefits. It’s up to you to explain why benefits beat features in digital marketing.

Be a wise SEO expert.

Social Media + Advertising 

Social Media is another buzz word.

Something different you can bring to the table when it comes to social media is Automation, Chatbots, Advertising.

As a community manager in Cameroon, you need to know how to automate. A tool like Buffer will post for you across multiple platforms thereby freeing up time so you may concentrate on engagements. The challenge here is to prepare a good number of posts to schedule.

Chatbots automate messenger. You feed them with possible questions and varieties of answers so they can respond to customers on Facebook without human intervention. While you may think this is bizarre, you’ll find out that using a chatbot will force you to dig deep into your customers’ minds. You’ll be able to solve in advance many negative scenarios. 

Advertising skills (Facebook Advertising, LinkedIn Advertising) are all essential. A new angle you can give to Facebook Advertising is by using Facebook Business Manager that allows you to use Facebook Pixels to create custom audiences and track conversions.

Indeed, you’ll be very limited as to what you can do with Facebook if you’re not using Facebook Business Manager.  

Email Marketing

Some years back, the internet was filled with this sentence: email marketing is dead. Others argued it was not.

Well, it is not. There are many email service subscribers which you should be able to use.

You should be able to gather email addresses, create automated workflows, distinguish between Marketing Qualified Leads and Sales Qualified Leads.

In other words, you should know when to pass over a lead to the sales department and when they can send back that lead to you – marketing loop.

This is because, in many companies there is no line between Marketing and Sales.

You should equally know how to prospect with email and follow-up with email. 

In fact, my boss Mme Estelle Yomba does not agree but I believe you can’t be a great digital marketer if you’re still using Yahoo mail.

Read and Interpret Data

The world of digital marketing is all about data. You must be able to read analytics and prepare detailed reports.

To do this effectively, you must know what to measure (Key Performance Indicators).

In other words, you should be able to justify the results of your efforts (ROI). 

What more can I say.

Take your digital marketing career in Cameroon to the next level with our Digital Marketing Professional Program.

Our program is designed to give you all the tools you need to excel and over-deliver in the Cameroon job market.

Other Skills You Need to Take Your Digital Marketing Career in Cameroon to the Next Level 

  • Website design
  • Basic HTML
  • Basic Javascript
  • Video Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Google Ads/PPC
  • Google Analytics
  • WordPress & Website Management

WhatsApp Now for details about this program.

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